National Organic Agriculture Business Summit Abuja 2021

The 2021 National Organic Agriculture Business Summit will take place at the Nigerian Export Promotion Council (NEPC) Headquarters, Abuja, Nigeria, between Nov. 2 – 4, 2021. This is the sixth of its kind among Ecological Organic Agriculture (EOA) stakeholders in Nigeria.

Essence of the National Organic Agriculture Business Summit(NOABS)

  • Exploring opportunities of the Ecological Organic Agriculture Initiative in the context of the Decision of the African Heads of States and Governments on organic farming {EX.CL/Dec. 621(XVI)}.
  • Improving local and export business activities in the organic sector
  • Exhibiting organic produce and products to stimulate domestic and export trade
  • Building the capacity of practitioners and strategic stakeholders in the organic agricultural sector; contributing to food security, income generation, employment systems resilience, among others.

Programme Outlook

  • June 1 – Aug. 31 Call for Awards
  • October 1 – 22 Voting for awardees
  • November 3 & 4 Presentations, Exhibition and business fora
  • November 4: Exhibition and National Platform meetings of Ecological Organic Agriculture Stakeholders

Categories of Awards

  1. Organic Farmer
  2. Advocacy/Media Practitioner
  3. Processor
  4. Financial Institution
  5. State Government

Paper submission

Paper presentations should be agribusiness oriented and based on innovation/success stories in organic agricultural systems. Paper submission (full paper not more than 6 pages (including Picture) in A4, 1.5 spacing, Time New Romans) 12 front size and upload to

Exhibition – strictly for certied organic produce/products and services.

  • National: ₦ 50,000 and ₦ 70,000/ exhibitor for 1- 2mins and 3-5mins video exhibition respectively.
  • Special Offer: ₦ 100,000 for 3-5mins video exhibition plus publication in Organiculture (National Organic Agriculture Business Journal)
  • International – Virtual @ USD 200/exhibitor

General Participation

  • Physical- ₦ 35,000/participant, covering registration materials, one tea break and lunch per day and unrestricted participation at business fora
  • Virtual/Digital – ₦ 10,000/participant
  • Business fora – ₦ 200,000/platform for organizations/investors for advocacy or business discussions.

Registration and Payment Deadline

October 22, 2021


Strictly online @

Bank: Ecobank Nigeria Plc.

Account name : Association of Organic Agriculture Practitioners of Nigeria

Account numbers:

  • Naira – 3872034765
  • USD – 3872034796 ( Swift code:ECOCNGLA )


The summit organisers call for papers on innovation/success stories in organic agriculture and business investments. Contributions in the form of financial sponsorships, logistics. etc will be greatly appreciated.

Find Attached for more Information