” The Executive Council of the African Union (AU), at its Eighteenth Ordinary Session in January 2011, adopted a decision on organic farming.

The decision requests the AU Commission and its New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) Planning and Coordinating Agency (NPCA) to initiate and provide guidance for an AU-led coalition of international partners on the establishment of an African organic farming platform based on available best practices and to provide guidance in support of the development of sustainable organic farming systems and improve seed quality

Her Excellency Tumusiime Rhoda Peace, Commissioner for Rural Economy and Agriculture, in her speech to the Conference of African Ministers of Agriculture (CAMA), October 2010, said,  “We believe that promoting it in all of our countries would enable Africa to exploit this niche.”

To implement this decision, The African Union through the department of Rural Economy and Agriculture has appointed Dr. Simplice Nouala the head of the agriculture and food security division to chair the EOA-I Continental Steering Committee (CSC).

The CSC members serve to provide EOA in Africa and its membership with guidance, oversight and decision-making regarding the operations and activities of EOA Initiative in Africa. The members are appointed to serve on behalf of their institutions, not as individuals and agree to represent the general interests of their sector.

Members of the Africa Union led EOA Continental Steering Committee

The Continental Steering Committee Secretariat

The Continental Steering Committee Secretariat is currently hosted by Biovision Africa Trust and supported by