Website EOA_Africa Biovision Africa Trust



Biovision Africa Trust (BvAT) wishes to recruit an eligible and qualified consultant or firm to undertake the above assignment under the African Union Ecological Organic Agriculture (EOA) Initiative. The EOA Initiative is an African Union continental undertaking started in 2012 and currently implemented in nine countries (Benin, Ethiopia, Kenya, Mali, Nigeria, Senegal, Tanzania, Rwanda, and Uganda) in which BvAT is an Executing Agency and host to the AUC Continental Steering Committee (CSC) Secretariat.

The EOA Initiative is implemented under the guidance and oversight of the AU chaired CSC to establish an African organic farming platform based on available best practices; and to develop sustainable organic farming systems and improve seed quality. Its mission is to promote ecologically sound strategies and practices among diverse stakeholders involved in production, processing, marketing, and policy making to safeguard the environment, improve livelihoods, alleviate poverty and guarantee food security among farmers in Africa. The goal is to contribute to mainstreaming of EOA into national agricultural production systems by 2025 to improve agricultural productivity, food security, access to markets and sustainable development in Africa. In addition, these efforts are hoped to reduce exploitation of the organic farmers in Africa. The initiative embraces holistic production systems that sustain the health of soils, ecosystems, and people, and relies on ecological processes, biodiversity and cycles adapted to local conditions rather than reliance on the use of external inputs with adverse effects on people’s total health (human, animal, plant and environmental).

BvAT is a not-for-profit organization established in Kenya in 2009 and based in the International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE) Nairobi, with the goal to alleviate poverty and improve the livelihoods of smallholder farmers in Kenya and other African countries through supporting dissemination of information and knowledge on appropriate technology to improve human, animal, plant, and environmental health. It is the lead agency for the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) grant support to the Ecological Organic Agriculture (EOA) Initiative.


Objective of the Consultancy

The overall objective of this consultancy is to develop a quality grant winning proposal on EOA-I for Southern Africa region to be submitted to the European Union Commission (EC) for funding five (5) countries for four (4) years from 2025 – 2028. The project will be piloted in 2025 based on current set up of EOA-I and from 2026-2028 for project implmentation in line with the new EOA-I Strategic Plan (2026-2036). The consultant(s) will work closely with Southern Africa EOA Consortium Interim Technical Working Group with representation from 8 countries and BvAT EOA Team.

The project proposal will cover the following specific 4 objective outcomes:

  1.  Documentation of information and knowledge on organic agricultural products along the complete value chain and support relevant actors to translate it into practices and wide application increased.
  2. Level of adoption of EOA approaches and good practices catalysed through awareness creation and strengthened access to advisory and support services increased.
  3. The share of quality organic products at the local, national and regional markets increased.
  4. Inclusive engagement in organic commodities value chain development by national, regional and continental multi-stakeholder platforms advocating for changes in public policy, plans and practices strengthened.

Specific Activities to be undertaken:

The Consultant will undertake the following responsibilities:

I) Employ a collaborative approach in ensuring that inputs are obtained from Southern Africa partners and the BvAT Team that relate to the four outcome areas mentioned.

II)Develop, in consultation with key stakeholders a full-blown proposal focusing on the following specific activities:

a. Review relevant literature and documents to inform the preparation and finalization of the proposal.
b. Prepare a full draft project proposal to address the objectives of EOA Initiative for Southern Africa 2025-28, concept note and other working documents.
c. Facilitate stakeholder meetings with individual pillar/component head to maintain project ownership, input and support in the processes.
d. Define the implementation framework and preparation arrangements including the technical coordination of each component/activity as appropriate.
e. Define the project activities under each pillar/component incorporating all technical comments as they arise.
f. Define the baseline and semi-annual targets, and monitoring mechanisms for indicators.

III)Develop the final project proposal, including logical framework and budget


The Consultant(s) will be expected to rapidly familiarize with:

  • ECs proposal format and tender requirements.
  • The specificities of the EOA-I Program (including the Phase I and Phase II) that has been implemented for over 8 years in Eastern Africa and West Africa.
  • Background material including: EOA Strategic Plan (2015-2025), EOA-I External evaluations for both Phase I and Phase II, Annual partners’ progress reports, Knowledge Centre for Organic Agriculture project implemented in 5 Africa regions and including Southern Africa, and other relevant documents.
  • All tasks necessary to prepare the full proposal.


  • Conduct internal/external desk analysis through literature review and meetings with the proposal team comprising BvAT EOA team and Southern Africa Interim Techincal Working Group (ITWG) partners .
  • Convene stakeholder consultation meeting to gather insights for the proposal development for both BvAT and Southern Africa Partners.
    • Develop the proposal including the workplan, logframe and budgets in collaboration with all the stakeholders.


  • Primary responsibility for writing the full proposal.
  • Edit and incorporate inputs from other team members into the proposal.
  • Deliver quality product against an agreed schedule.
  • Ensure that the tone, content, and design of the full proposal correspond to the requirements of EC.
  • Liaise with the BvAT EOA Project Manager and Finance Manager to ensure coherence between narrative and budgetary elements for the full proposal.


Expected outputs:

The principal delivery of this consultancy will be a finalized and acceptable full project proposal in line with EC guideline and the approved concept note with a work plan and budget submitted to BvAT, the AU EOA CSC Secretariat.

Other deliverables shall include:

a) Consultation meetings and stakeholder fora;
b) An inception report, inclusive of a detailed work plan for the consultancy, at the start
of the contract period;
c) An implementation framework or Program Operational Manual;
d) Finalized narrative concept note;
e) Logical framework matrix;
f) Proposal funding applications form; and
g) Final presentation of project to stakeholders


The consultant will work remotely to prepare the full proposal and will be supervised by:

  • Executive Director – Biovision Africa Trust or his designee
  • The consultant will work with a team of BvAT-EOA staff & ITWG consortium southern Africa partners to ensure proper consolidation/integration and synergy amongst all programs:

Role of BvAT Secretariat:

The successful execution of this assignment will require commitment and support from all the actors involved in the process. BvAT will:

  1. Designate a coordinating team for the assignment.
  2.  Provide the information/materials required by the consultant for the completion of the CN and proposal through preparation of necessary documents.
  3. Enlist the support of all involved.
  4.  Facilitate and organize all consultative meetings with staff and partners as may be necessary.
  5. Facilitate in the collection of required information, documentation for the development of the proposal.
  6. Actively participate in the entire process and provide technical data/information during: Literature review; Inaugural/ Inception meeting; Development of narrative concept note; Logical framework matrix; Proposal funding applications form if available; and Interim presentation of project to stakeholders.
  7. Commit to undertake the ensure the assignment is completed within the agreed timelines.
  8. Pay the consultant fee as per the agreed upon contract.

During the undertaking of the assignment BvAT and Southern Africa partners will ensure timely and adequate personnel support in terms of availability and capacities of key staff.


The consultant of main consultant if from a group will have the following competencies:

  • Master’s degree in agriculture, organisational development, international development or related field.
  • 5 years’ experience in EC proposal writing skills.
  • Track record and demonstrate having developed acceptable projects in organic and agroecology and advocacy and policy development.
  • Capacity to work with a multi-sector team and coordinate technical input into proposal.
  • Capacity to conduct a workshop with partner organizations and local stakeholders and compile input into proposal remotely.
  • Ability to work rapidly with staff in main office directly and with partners remotely in writing the proposal and where necessary revising the proposal(s).
  • Familiarity with EC requirements and capacity to work in a multi-donor environment.
  • Good program design skills, including capacity to prepare logical, coherent and consistent proposal with related budget and log frames.
  • Fluent in English (both reading and writing).
  • Excellent analytic and communication skills.
  • Have a good understanding of operating conditions in an insecure environment.


This exercise is expected to be undertaken for 20 days.


Interested candidates should submit the following:

  1. A brief proposal indicating their understanding of the assignment and methodology including gender aspects and a feasible workplan.
  2. Financial proposal showing the cost of undertaking the assignment, breakdown of consultancy costs and any other costs associated with this assignment.
  3. At least one successful proposal of a similar assignment conducted in the past three years and contacts of the client you developed the proposal for.
  4. A one-page write-up showing why you are the most suitable person/team for the consultancy.
  5. A concise curriculum vitae of the consultant(s).
  6. Names and contacts of three referees (phone numbers and email).

If you are interested in the above consultancy and can demonstrate your ability to meet the qualifications required, then submit your expression of interest with the above mentioned documents to procurement@biovisionafrica.org cc info@eoai-africa.org with the subject heading: CONSULTANCY FOR PROPOSAL DEVELOPMENT FOR ECOLOGICAL ORGANIC AGRICULTURE INITIATIVE FOR SOUTHERN AFRICA REGION. The closing date for applications is 12th July 2024. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for interviews.

Biovision Africa Trust is an EOE

To apply for this job email your details to procurement@biovisionafrica.org