Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic On Organic and Conventional Farmers and Mitigation Strategies Terms of Reference (TOR)



Biovision Africa Trust (BvAT) wishes to recruit a consultant to undertake the above assignment under the African Union-led Ecological Organic Agriculture (EOA) Initiative. The goal of the initiative is to contribute to mainstreaming of Ecological Organic Agriculture into
national policies, plans and programmes by 2025 to improve agricultural productivity, food security, access to markets and sustainable development in Africa. It is implemented through programmes and projects under the guidance and oversight of the AU chaired Continental Steering Committee (CSC) to establish an African organic farming platform based on available best practices; and to develop sustainable organic farming systems and improve seed quality.

Biovision Africa Trust, a not-for-profit organization established in Kenya in 2009 and based in Nairobi, is the lead agency for Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) grant support to the Ecological Organic Agriculture (EOA) Initiative and also hosts the Knowledge Centre for Organic Agriculture (KCOA) in Eastern Africa with support from the Germany Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) coordinated though GIZ. BvAT is also the Secretariat of the CSC of the African Union EOA-Initiative.

The EOA-I at country level is coordinated by Country Lead Organizations (CLOs) and implemented by Pillar Implementing Partners (PIPs). Governance at this level is provided by National Steering Committees (NSC) drawing partners from Ministries of Agriculture, private sector, farmers’ organizations among others. At regional level, the project is governed by Regional Steering Committees (RSC). At continental level, the initiative is under the oversight of the Continental Steering Committee chaired by the African Union Commission, Department
of Agriculture, Rural Development, Blue Economy and Sustainable Environment (ARBE). The EOA Initiative is currently undergoing Phase 2 implementation. Phase 1 was successful showing positive trends towards achievement of EOA goal of mainstreaming the initiative into
national policies, plans and programmes.

The initiative has been mainstreamed in higher level learning institutions, databases have been established by partners making research findings and EOA knowledge easily accessible and available. Country Agriculture Sector Development Programmes have included various sustainable land management practices covering conservation and soil fertility improvement into their strategies. Some countries have
implemented organic certification standards, processes and procedures. Further, various EOA structures for governance and implementation have been set up, and the EOA initiative has reached out and engaged with various stakeholders. Improvements in production, productivity and income generation have been reported, courtesy of organic farming, and quality of life of
farmers improved.

The EOA-I is currently implemented in Eastern Africa ((Kenya, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Uganda and Rwanda) and West Africa (Mali, Benin, Ethiopia, Nigeria and Senegal). For more details please visit the project website:


The Covid-19 pandemic has had a huge impact on different socio-economic sectors in general all around the world. In Africa, it has had a knock-on impact on agricultural and food systems and value chains. The purpose of this study is to establish the impact of the
pandemic on agriculture and food systems in Africa and assess how farmers practicing organic agriculture and conventional agriculture have been affected by the pandemic, and how they are responding to it. This analysis will be done in all five (5) political regions of Africa
(Eastern, Southern, Central, West and Northern Africa) and in 2 specific countries per region to be decided upon by the consultant and Biovision Africa Trust. Selection of countries to include at least English and French speaking countries.

The study will sample two countries from the EOA participating countries in Eastern Africa and also two countries from EOA participating countries in West Africa. Selection of two countries from each of the other regions (Northern, Southern and Central Africa) where EOA
is not yet active but we have established or are establishing networks through the complementary KCOA project.


The Secretariat, acting on behalf the EOA Continental Steering Committee (CSC), wishes to engage a consultant to assess the impact of COVID-19 on organic and conventional farmers and their responsiveness and resilience to the pandemic to inform dialogue, policy, and
actions for mitigation.

The consultant will assess project implementation and interview farmers, EOA stakeholders and other value chain actors on their knowledge and experience of the effects of the Covid 19 pandemic in relation to their agricultural activities.

Key questions to answer:

  • How have famers (organic and conventional) been impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic? In what ways have they been affected?
  • What adaptation have been made in agricultural practices during the Covid-19 pandemic (conventional and organic)?
  • How have the farmers (organic and conventional) responded to the effects of the Covid19 pandemic? What has been unique in each group’s mitigation measures?
  • What common value chains have been heavily affected in the country? How has the demand and supply of food products been affected across various groups of consumers in the country?
  • How is the preparedness of governments, private sector, donors, farmers and their organizations and other stakeholders in the mitigation against impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic?
  • What shifts in funding priorities, if any, have been put in place by governments, private sector, donors, NGOs and other stakeholders in ensuring the mitigation of the Covid-19 impact?
  • What agriculture and food systems interventions and programmes should be put in place and supported by governments, private sector, NGOs, donors and other stakeholders?

The consultant will be expected to:

  1. Assess the impact of Covid-19 on farmers daily lives and their activities connecting to the common food value chains (farm to fork), shifts in consumer demand and incomes. (Compare and contrast the resilience between organic and conventional farmers based on the disruptions of the food supply chains and trade).
  2. Assess farmers’ response to the pandemic and the implication of the pandemic to food value chains (current and in the future) and food security in Africa.
  3. Establish the shifts in measures, strategies and or policy actions by the governments, private sector, donors, NGOs and other stakeholders supporting farmers in food production and preparedness in post Covid-19 pandemic.
  4. Provide recommendations for strengthening farmers’ resilience in the post pandemic period to prevent health and food crisis.


5.1 Methodology and Scope

The consultant is expected to devise creative methods of data collection that minimise travel to the various countries due to Covid-19 restrictions in the selected countries. He/she will come up with an appropriate methodology for the assignment that clearly demonstrates that the objectives of the study will be achieved with minimum travel and contact with respondents
under the current challenging circumstances.

5.2 Deliverables & Timelines
  • An Inception Report-(1st Week of Assignment)
  • Detailed report with findings and recommendations (8th Week of Assignment)
  • Summarized report derived from the detailed report (9th Week of Assignment)
  • Seven (7) country policy briefs (max 3 pages each) and a consolidated policy brief (max 6 pages) (10th -11th Week of Assignment)
5.3 Duration: 12 Weeks
5.4 Coordination: The African Union EOA-Initiative Continental Secretariat (BvAT)
5.5 Reporting: The consultant will report to the BvAT Executive Director or his designee within the secretariat.


This assignment is expected to be conducted by a consultant with the team leader meeting the following requirements:

  • The lead consultant should have a Master’s degree in agriculture or related discipline with over 5 years’ experience carrying out similar assignments.
  • Demonstration of having undertaken a similar assignment either individually or with others.
  • Regional or continental consultancy or work experience in the agriculture sector.
  • Added advantage to experts working in the Organic sector.

How to apply:

Interested candidates should submit the following:

  1. A Technical Proposal with concise understanding of the assignment, proposed methodology for conducting the assignment and workplan.
  2. A Financial Proposal showing the consultancy fee (including man days for each team member), travel expenses, data collection expenses and other costs associated to this assignment.
  3. At least one report of a similar assignment conducted in the past five years.
  4. Detailed curriculum vitae of the main consultant and proposed support team members to be involved in the assignment.
  5. Names and contacts of two referees (phone numbers and email), referral letters can also be included.
  6. A one-page write-up justifying the suitability of main consultant to lead the assignment.

Electronic copies shall be sent to with the subject heading: Consultancy for a Rapid Assessment on the Implication of Covid-19 Pandemic on Farmers.

Application must be received by 25th June 2021.

Biovision Africa Trust is an equal opportunity employer and eligible women are encouraged to apply.