Latest Past Events

E-discussion: The co-creation, sharing and dissemination of local innovations for healthy soils in Africa


Welcome to the Family Farming & Agroecology Discussions Community of Practice (CoP)! The objective of this group is to establish synergies, connect existing organizations and networks and encourage proactive multi-stakeholder exchanges to enhance the community of practicioners on family farming and agroecology by co-creating and sharing knowledge through focused thematic discussions. Each discussion will be […]

Scaling up Agroecology Initiative

Virtual Zoom Meeting

Since its launch in 2018, the Scaling up Agroecology Initiative seeks to mobilize dialogue, cooperation and investment within and beyond the United Nations (UN) system, to bring agroecology to scale and achieve multiple sustainable development goals through sustainable agriculture and food systems. Different UN Agencies are progressively supporting agroecology across their respective mandates in partnership with governments and key […]