Agroecology Conference
Safari Park Hotel & CAsino , KenyaReducing Synthetic Fertilizers And Pesticides By Scaling Up Agroecology And Promoting Ecological Organic Trade
Reducing Synthetic Fertilizers And Pesticides By Scaling Up Agroecology And Promoting Ecological Organic Trade
AgriProFocus with support from IKEA Foundation is currently implementing the Youth in Agroecology and Business Learning Track in Africa (YALTA Initiative). The program aims to support young agripreneurs to apply agroecological principles and to co-create networks around them in view of contributing to the increased sustainability of food systems and youth employment. To more about […]
The 2020 National Organic Agriculture Business Summit will take place at Watbridge Hotels and Suites, Akwa Ibom State, between Nov. 3 - 5, 2020. This is the fifth of its kind among Ecological Organic Agriculture stakeholders in Nigeria. Essence of the National Organic Agriculture Business Summit (NOABS) Exploring opportunities of the Ecological Organic Agriculture Initiative […]
Find attached the event programme : 4th Egerton University National Forum for Agricultural Stakeholders Programme
AUC and EOA-I Continental Secretariat (hosted by Biovision Africa Trust) to host a virtual meeting on Mainstreaming Ecological Organic Agriculture / agroecology in NAIPs and RAIPS on 24th July 2021. This is in line with implementation of the Executive Council of the African Union decision on organic farming in 2011(EX.CL/631 (XVIII). This decision requested the AU Commission and NEPAD Planning and Coordinating […]
Workshop Zoom Link
This event will be both physical (by invitation) and virtual and will include high level discussions and presentations from renown International and National agroecologists as well as other actors from relevant government MDAs, private sector, media and farmers. The event will include a showcase event of various agroecology projects and candid discussions on the process […]