The EOA Structure of Implementation
Within this second Phase, the EOA-I organizational structure has 3 inter-related dimensions namely: Mainstreaming, governance and coordination; and support functions. Below the dimensions, are the levels cascading from the Continental to Country level with their associated structures and institutions. The dimensions and levels are illustrated and explained below:

These structures include the African Union Commission, Regional Economic Communities and engage the project to mainstream EOA into national, regional and continental policies and plans. This structure has an important role in political convening, mobilization, policy making, and accountability to the people. This dimension plays a relevant role in fundraising.
Governance and Coordination
The governance and coordination of EOA implementation at the national, regional and continental levels is overseen by the Steering Committees (namely NSC, RSC and CSC respectively). This dimension is responsible for approving work plans and budgets and constantly monitoring the implementation of EOA in their respective levels. This dimension plays the major role in fundraising.
Support Functions
The support function in the implementation of the EOA projects including monitoring, reporting, learning and evaluations is provided by the Executing Agencies (EA) and secretariats. This dimension plays a relevant role in fundraising.