Agroecology Conference


Thematic Areas

  1. Reducing Synthetics fertilizers and pesticides.
    1. Impact of synthetic inputs.
    2. Alternative environmentally basd technologies and methodologies to reduce synthetic pesticide use and contamination.
  2. Scaling up Agroecology
    1. Frameworks, methods of performance assessment and scaling up strategies for Agroecology.
    2. Partnership, networking and financing innovations.
  3. Best practices towards food security, nutrition, consumption and health.
  4. Strengthening Ecological Organic Trade, Markets and Economy.
  5. Policies and Legislation success efforts in synthetic fertilizers and pesticides reduction, Agroecology and Ecological Organic Trade.


The participants include the implementing partners and extended network of the two undertakings, OTEA and GAP projects as well as interested other parties. Those providing experiences from a production, scientific, advisory and other sector services, business and (inter)governmental policy perspectives are equally important just as newcomers to agroecology wanting to explore the opportunities of the strongly growing organic sector. Participants find inspiration, answers to questions, new contacts and the opportunity to join a global initiative for the individual, local, national and East Africa regional benefits.

Participants may come from:

  • Farmers and Farmer Organizations
  • Researchers, extensionists and practitioners
  • Civil Society and NGOs
  • Traders and private companies in Organic Industry
  • Consumer associations
  • Strategic partners and donor agencies
  • Policy makers (Ministries of Agriculture and related line ministries)
  • Academia (Universities)
  • Institutional and individual donors (e.g. SDC, SSNC, Biovision)
  • Local, national, regional and international media